Christopher Pikosky, Massage Therapist
Massage Therapist for LA Kings

What’s nice about the protocols (for the Dolphin Neurostim™) is that they are very easy to follow and administer are non-invasive and have afforded a measurable quality of relief for our guys and enable a continuity of care for guys who are receiving standard acupuncture treatments.

What’s nice about the protocols (for the Dolphin Neurostim™) is that they are very easy to follow and administer are non-invasive and have afforded a measurable quality of relief for our guys and enable a continuity of care for guys who are receiving standard acupuncture treatments.

Massage Therapist for LA Kings
Dolphin Neurostim and acupuncture offer "measurable quality of relief" for sports injuries
What’s nice about the protocols (for the Dolphin Neurostim™) is that they are very easy to follow and administer are non-invasive and have afforded a measurable quality of relief for our guys and enable a continuity of care for guys who are receiving standard acupuncture treatments.

What’s nice about the protocols (for the Dolphin Neurostim™) is that they are very easy to follow and administer are non-invasive and have afforded a measurable quality of relief for our guys and enable a continuity of care for guys who are receiving standard acupuncture treatments.