Suzanne Wamboldt
Physical Therapist

I attended a six day course in MPS and immediately applied it to my clinical practice. After six months using the Dolphin Neurostim™, I have had numerous cases in which this treatment has positively benefited my patients. Its most notable attributes are ease of application and immediate reduction in symptoms. With the increasing demands HMO’s place on physical therapists by reducing the number of allowed visits, fast effective relief is a necessity.

I attended a six day course in MPS and immediately applied it to my clinical practice. After six months using the Dolphin Neurostim™, I have had numerous cases in which this treatment has positively benefited my patients. Its most notable attributes are ease of application and immediate reduction in symptoms. With the increasing demands HMO’s place on physical therapists by reducing the number of allowed visits, fast effective relief is a necessity.

Physical Therapist
Therapist says "fast, effective relief" with MPS is a necessity with insurance restrictions on "allowable visits"
I attended a six day course in MPS and immediately applied it to my clinical practice. After six months using the Dolphin Neurostim™, I have had numerous cases in which this treatment has positively benefited my patients. Its most notable attributes are ease of application and immediate reduction in symptoms. With the increasing demands HMO’s place on physical therapists by reducing the number of allowed visits, fast effective relief is a necessity.

I attended a six day course in MPS and immediately applied it to my clinical practice. After six months using the Dolphin Neurostim™, I have had numerous cases in which this treatment has positively benefited my patients. Its most notable attributes are ease of application and immediate reduction in symptoms. With the increasing demands HMO’s place on physical therapists by reducing the number of allowed visits, fast effective relief is a necessity.