Suffering from body pains and aches? You’re not alone.

About 80% of Americans will report pain on certain body parts at least once in their lifetime. In fact, back and neck pain are among the most common health complaints and a leading reason why people seek medical care.

Pain can either be acute, described as a sudden feeling of sharp pain, or chronic, characterized by lingering pain that lasts 6 months. Pain experience can range from mild to severe, depending on the underlying cause.

Acute pain usually has an identifiable underlying cause and can be quickly resolved. It is considered as the body’s early warning sign. On the other hand, chronic pain is more difficult to treat because of the non-specificity of its symptoms. Often, it requires a multi-disciplinary approach to manage chronic pain. Chronic pain also tends to affect people emotionally and physically. Some causes of chronic pain include arthritis, cancer, nerve damage or dysfunction, and unresolved injury or disease. Chronic pain can have a tremendous impact on quality of life as such effective pain management is essential.

What is pain management?

Pain management is a medical specialty that focuses on treating different kinds of pain including those caused by neuropathic, spinal and musculoskeletal disorders. It is a holistic approach to providing pain relief and requires proper diagnosis and early intervention. Pain management hopes to treat acute pain before it progresses into chronic pain. For people who are dealing with chronic pain, its goal is to at least lessen and make the pain bearable. Either way, the end-goal of all pain management approaches is to improve the individual’s quality of life.

Pain management team often include an interdisciplinary team of health professionals that include a physician, anesthesiologist, physical therapists, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, and other healthcare specialists. In some cases, the interdisciplinary team employs the help of alternative medical practitioners. They work together to address to ensure all patients’ needs are addressed.

Modes of pain management

Pain management specialists develop patient-specific treatment plan intended to manage, reduce, and relieve pain experience. These strategies include:

  • Activity motivation
  • Heat/cold therapy
  • Traction
  • Manipulation and immobilization
  • Physical therapy
  • Massage
  • Exercise
  • Medication
  • Other non-surgical treatments

While pain management sometimes employs medication and minimally invasive procedures, treatment plans are often less dependent on these strategies. Pain management specialists would often recommend non-surgical treatments such as chiropractic medicine and other complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Some examples CAM include acupressure, acupuncture, deep tissue and Swedish massage, herbal medicine, and biofeedback.

Microcurent Point stimulation in pain management

Microcurrent Point stimulation is another hybrid alternative medicine that uses concentrated, low frequency, direct current to key trigger, acupuncture and motor points. Microcurrent helps heal the body by gradually loosening and releases adhesions and scar tissues. Unlike other pain management modalities, micropoint stimulation, particularly Dolphin Neurostim, is portable and you can use wherever and whenever you need pain relief.

Normal, healthy cells, tissues and organs have a unique biochemical activity and ideal frequency that allows them to work with synchronicity. When struck with an illness or disease, these cells or tissues produce reverberating frequencies that prevent the body from communicating with each other properly. These frequencies cause a disruption in the nervous system that leads to pain experience. With Dolphin Neurostim, microcurrent directed to the affected cells mimics the biochemical activity thus effectively neutralizing the disruptions. Furthermore, the electric current applied to the specific body part attracts ATPs around it thereby promoting quick healing.

Backed by over thirty years of combined medical literature, the Dolphin Neurostim is designed to accurately detect and stimulate therapeutically active pain centers. It can be used alongside conventional pain management strategies and serves as a silver lining pain management.